Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Things Around Me

So, I've been bored like hell this weekend even this weekend doesn't push me to s t u d y not only because I'm home alone, it just because i have no mood for open textbook. I haven't opened the book until now. I fucking really need other books to read beside schoolbook stuff and magz. Yep, novels. Inspiring and totally entertaining novels, i need that! . Anybody drive me to Gramedia, please ? i beg you! So, i spend my time till now just sitting in front of computer, TV and my desk. So bored, eh ? and i played with crayons. Childish me.

I checked my eyes on Friday 18th March 2011. And the man who checked my eyes says i gained mins 1/2 on my right eye and 1/4 on my left eye. Damn! that means I'll get one more glasses and on Tuesday 22nd March which is yesterday my new glasses arrived at my hand at about 4pm.

p.s : failed putting nail polish on my nails --______--
Yours, Luthfiahh

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