Senin, 25 April 2011


yes. as the title says. I changed my twitter username from @Luthfiahh to @lthfiah

I feel soooooooooo comfy with this background. and yes i got it from Tumblr <3 it looks like England Flag

So, the midterm report was given 2 weeks since yesterday. i decided to collect the report on Friday 22nd of April but the teacher wasn't there. i mean, i didn't meet her :P LOL!
I got three lessons that should be in remedial. And remedial is a word that i hate the most!

can you see that ? huh ? it suuuuuuuuuuucks. I'm weak in maths -.- . I got one week weekend because of grade 3 is having 'Ujian Negara' but the teachers gave us assignments which has done only half of them D: daaaaamnnn! Dear assignment, Y U NO interesting?
my friends asked me if i could come to the elementary school tomorrow and ciwalk on Thursday and i say yes to both of them. So, I'll ask my group-mate how's the poster for math later~
On Wednesday my brother invited 100 his collage-friends to the house. damn can you believe this ? later, what would it be in my house? forest, jungle? D:

today me and sister took some pics outside :D

Yours, Luthfiah
p.s : those pics above are non-edited.

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Quote Of The Day

"True love isn't always finding the perfect person, sometimes it's about finding an imperfect person and understand them perfectly."


Get Some Lose Some

Wearing Glasses

Get Some

Better Vision
Manfaat utama sebuah kacamata is to see clearly, karena tanpanya aktivitas kita bisa jadi berantakan. Nah, bagi yang penglihatannya rada-rada kabur, buruan deh priksa ke dokter mata sebelum minus mata bertambah.

The New Fun Hobby
Koleksi kacamata bisa jadi satu hobi baru yang menyenangkan. Gunakan waktu luang kamu buat hunting frame-frame lucu dan murah. Bisa di-mix and match sama outfit biar penampilan jadi beda.

'Four eyes' Are Out
Glasses is the latest friend! Cukup pakai kacamata to get a stylish look. Tapi ingat untuk mencari frame yang cocok dengan bentuk wajah. Eyeglasses is not only for seeing, but for looking good.

Nice Personality
Menurut riset yang dilakukan Pusat Penelitian Mata di Universitas Melbourne Australia, bahwa rata-rata orang yang memakai kacamata minus (miopi) memiliki kepribadian yang baik, open minded and intelligent.

Lose Some

Handle With Care
Kaca yang tergores atau pecah bisa berbahaya kalau kena mata. Sebaiknya jangan dilakukan saat melakukan kegiatan yang butuh banyak gerak. Nggak cuma itu, resiko lupa, ketinggalan atau kehilangan juga sering terjadi.

Weather Enemy
Hujan adalah musuh terbesar bagi glasses wearer. Belum lagi saat cuaca yang dingin bikin kacamata jadi berembun. Kalau sering beraktivitas diluar, kacamata jaid sering kotor atau berdebu. Harus nyiapin saputangan khusus buat bersihin kacanya

Ruin The Fun
Nggak bebas melakukan kegiatan yang fun, like doing sports and another activities. Nonton bioskop 3D bisa gagal cuma gara-gara kacamata yang bikin repot. Mau santai nonton TV sambil tiduran pun wajib pasang posisi yang nyaman dulu.

Hide The Eyes Beauty
Wearing glasses means not having natural appearance. Kacamata yang dipakai gak bisa menunjukan indahnya mata seseorang. Apalagi kalau pakai make up, eye shadow dan mascara yang ter-cover sama kacamata suka bikin sebel.

Yours, Luthfiah
p.s : pics taken from Article taken from GoGirl! Magz 73/Feb '11

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Quick Updated

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.


Yours, Luthfiah

Have You Evers

Have you ever just wanted to scream?
Because no one is listening you.

Have you ever just wanted to run away?
Because no one understands.

Have you ever just wanted to hurt yourself?
Because no one cares.

Have you ever wished something bad would happen to you?
Because you need sympathy.

Have you ever wished someone would ask you 'what's wrong'?
Because you need to vent.

Have you ever just wanted to lock yourself in your room?
Because you need to get away from life.

Have you ever just wanted to text that boy that broke your heart?
Because you know the old him could make you smile in a heart beat just by replying your text.

Have you ever cried and ran to the mirror to make sure it looked like you didn't?
Because your family just wouldn't understand?

That's okay. Me too

Yours, Luthfiah
p.s : taken from Tumblr

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Please, Wake Me Up

She's a girl.
Younger than me.
We're closed. But why sometimes i think she's really annoys me ? W H Y ?
I felt like she's always tries to make me jealous of everything she did, everything she has.

sorry for backstabbing you. yeah I'm such a backstabber :''((

when i start to faking hate everything or everyone, everything they do really faking annoys me~ *what I'm feeling right now!*
GOD why am i too sensitive to everything that exist? Luthfiah seems to hate everything around her. -______-



Yours, Luthfiah

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Feeling Mixed Up

Hola! Long time no see huh? This April really done makes my feeling mixed up, especially on Wednesday 6th April. My midterm report was given but i left it school which means i forgot to bring it home. So, yeah me and Tashya really decides from ages ago before midterm exam to watch movie and yeah we did it. We watched this at Ciwalk :

It was really so damn faking fantastic! You people should watch this!
At first, we shocked because we met someone at Ciwalk and we couldn't faking stop talking about that! ahahahahaha.

At first it was pouring rain and after we finished watching the movie, the rain has stopped. I arrived at home at 17.30 p.m i think and my sister arrived home no longer.

Dear Sister, sorry for the towel. Kinda laayzeh to crop it -.- and these pics are nonedited, laaayzeeh to edit all of 'em. And thankyouuu God for the Story Telling Contest jadi di majuin tanggal 1 Maaayy :3

Yours, Luthfiahh
p.s : the weird faceeees