Kamis, 21 April 2011

Have You Evers

Have you ever just wanted to scream?
Because no one is listening you.

Have you ever just wanted to run away?
Because no one understands.

Have you ever just wanted to hurt yourself?
Because no one cares.

Have you ever wished something bad would happen to you?
Because you need sympathy.

Have you ever wished someone would ask you 'what's wrong'?
Because you need to vent.

Have you ever just wanted to lock yourself in your room?
Because you need to get away from life.

Have you ever just wanted to text that boy that broke your heart?
Because you know the old him could make you smile in a heart beat just by replying your text.

Have you ever cried and ran to the mirror to make sure it looked like you didn't?
Because your family just wouldn't understand?

That's okay. Me too

Yours, Luthfiah
p.s : taken from Tumblr

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